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Compiled by: Jacques LeBlanc (2022), Stratigraphic Lexicon: The Sedimentary Formations of The Republic of Niger, Africa. Colnes Publishing (Tallin, Estonia), 365 pp. For more information see "About"

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Iguéllala Mountains Formation
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Iguéllala Mountains Fm base reconstruction

Iguéllala Mountains Fm


Age Interval: 
Upper Cretaceous (Upper Cenomanian to Lower Turonian) (1)

Iullemmeden Basin

Type Locality and Naming

The Type Section was taken on the two northern buttes of the Iguéllala Hills (5°50' to 6°45'). Greigert, 1966a.

References: Furon, 1933; Greigert, 1966a; Greigert & Pougnet, 1967; Fabre et al., 1983; Dikouma, 1990; Meister et al., 1992; Alzouma, 1994; Mathey et al., 1995; Moumouni et al., 2019.

Synonym: Iguellala Mountains Fm, *Iguéllala Mounts Fm; "Série des Monts Iguéllala". Equivalent(s): Béréré Fm of Damergou; Zoo Baba Fm and Arentigué Fm of Eastern Niger Basin (Figure)

Lithology and Thickness

A calcareous and siliciclastic succession that consists of thinly bedded, gray to yellow, fine to medium, often carbonaceous sandstones, intercalated with gypsiferous gray shales and yellow marly limestones. 25-m thick. A lithological summary of the Type Section is:

  • at the top, the Nigericeras limestone;
  • micaceous sandstones;
  • alternating sands and sandy marls;
  • limestones with molluscs, including weathered ammonites;
  • sandstones, marls;
  • marl and gypsum; at the base, teeth of Coelodus; at the top, Nigericeras, Vascoceras, Paravascoceras, gastropods;
  • sandstone with ammonites;
  • clays and sandstones ;
  • sandstone with ammonites (the same genera as above), sea urchins (Hemiaster, Micropedina);
  • sandstone with clastic quartz and calcareous cement, with abundant molluscs with Neolobites vibreyanus;
  • clayey salty marls;
  • fine sandstone with Exogyra, sandy gray marls with Exogyra and nautiloids.

[Figure. Lithology of the Iguéllala Mountains Fm (central Iullemmeden Basin) and its lithological correlation with the Béréré Fm of the Damergou area (eastern Iullemmeden Basin) and the Zoo Baba Fm of the Eastern Niger Rift basin (Source: Mathey et al., 1995).]

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Overlain by the fluviatile sandstones of the Continental Intercalaire or Farak Fm. The contact with the Continental Intercalaire can happen in two ways: either by continuous passage of the Farak Fm to the marine cycles, gypsum clays, or a desiccation surface of the Farak Fm.

Upper contact

The upper limit is placed at the last bed of fossiliferous sandstone at Nigericeras. Overlain by the White Limestone Fm and Doutchin-Zana Fm.

Regional extent

The formation extends at least to In Arouinat, Elleba, Ilatan, Emdemboutem, In Beceten.




Lamellibranchs, Ammonites (Neolobites, Nigericeras, Acantboceras, Vascoceras, Paravascoceras), echinoids (Hemiaster, Heterodiadema, Cidaris), bivalves (Exogyra olisiponensis) and gastropods.


Upper Cretaceous (Upper/Terminal Cenomanian to Lower/basal Turonian); T1 & T2 transgressions

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Marine; T1 & T2 transgressions

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jacques LeBlanc (2022), Stratigraphic Lexicon: The Sedimentary Formations of The Republic of Niger, Africa. Colnes Publishing (Tallin, Estonia), 365 pp. https://doi.org/10.47909/978-9916-9760-6-7 (or via https://sites.google.com/site/leblancjacques)